Doxxed Individuals

The following list of doxxed individuals have completed our KYC verification process. Their Identities have been confirmed and are accountable. Our "Ted Hub" is for Networking, Collaborating, and Simple Legal Contract Help.


I am Martin, I have worked for several projects offering consulting services to drive their project forward. Recently returned from a period away from the space. Current ambassador for Tokeo wallet, here to help push Cardano forward!

See certificate >>

Meswar Al Arik

Meswar Al Arik provides services in:

– Web Development
– Community Management
– 3D Artistry
– 2D Artistry
– Minting Services

Meswar Al Arik is a versatile and skilled professional in the Web3 crypto space, dedicated to delivering top-notch services within the Cardano community. With extensive experience and a strong network, he is committed to fostering growth and innovation in the blockchain ecosystem.

See certificate >>